Scheduled Viewing?


In an attempt to improve this blog, I was thinking about adding a regular feature. What should I add? Should I feature one of my drawings or other pieces of artwork? One of my more artistic photographs? Should I shine the spotlight on another artist that you might not know? Expat, Japanese, or anybody from anywhere? Or perhaps I should focus on a gallery that I have been to or had a show in? A monthly list of shows that I think are interesting and hope to attend? A spotlight on a burlesque scene or just one performer or on the local music scene? A kitschy sign or a kawaii statue? Did you want a bit of Japanese culture? Any other ideas that I might not have listed here? Opinions? Let me know what you think.

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10 Replies to “Scheduled Viewing?”

  1. I also thought to myself (before I read the other comments) that I would like to see what you are working on.

  2. I would love to see more of your artwork and more of your unique process. Most especially how things are going in your studio both the successes and the failures.

    The adventures you have visiting galleries and experiences around Japan really show us what it’s like for you outside the studio, allowing us to get to the know you as the artist also.

  3. Well there’s accountability but that’s on your own terms… a blog certainly helps to keep up with production but it is a tool we can use to share and promote our art work to a wider audience vs. a gallery where only a handful of people are able to view it.

    From what I’ve seen on wordpress (and also on other networks) is that people want to see original content with some human element behind it. So I feel that presenting your work with some personal commentary is one of the best ways we can do that as artists.

  4. With art blogs, I feel that the most interesting content is always the original work produced by the artist and everything else is kind of secondary. Try to schedule a weekly blurb or sharing of your work, whether it be new, old, WIP, doesn’t matter as long as it’s original. Photos, artwork, writing, anything you’re comfortable sharing 🙂 Just post it on a somewhat regular basis to keep some level of activity.

    I feel that everything else you listed already sounds pretty interesting so maybe you could do a bi-weekly/monthly feature or share things on the fly too.

    Hope this helps 🙂

    1. I know you are right. The core of the matter is that I should post a blurb more often or more regularly about my own work. Create accountability since that is why we start these blogs as artists, right?

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